Note that the behavior is not the same as my failures above: the download button isn't nonresponsive, but instead reloads the info page.
MarinoPownzz: Cities: Skylines isn't Shadowrun, and isn't even offered by, is it? In any case, I looked over a random mod for giggles, and it does indeed fail. part files in the download dir) so I just move them out of the way and then cancel the download (otherwise Firefox will helpfully delete the. The downloads also sometimes hang when finished, thinking there is more to download, but the zip files are complete (as. However, the Download button would sometimes be unresponsive reloading the page (maybe more than once) cured it for everything I tried (probably due to my flaky public internet connection causing Steam API calls to silently fail). Unlike other later posters, I have had great success using Firefox, GreaseMonkey, and Enhanced Steam Workshop Downloader 2.1 from. I really didn't want to get a Steam account just for mods for a game.